Welcome To St. George's Elementary School
St. George's Elementary serves over 300 students in a caring and loving environment. Our staff and students strive to create an atmosphere where ALL students are Respected, Loved and Accepted. So, Welcome home to St. George's Elementary!
Our Mission Statement: St. George’s Elementary….the place to be …………(kind, creative, honest, brave, dedicated, a risk taker, caring, etc)

School Development Surveys
The Department of Education’s 2024-25 School Development Surveys will be available online beginning Monday, February 24th. All surveys are to be completed by Friday, April 4th.
Here is the link: Families
Personal Electronic Device Policy
Under the policy:
Students in grades K-6 are encouraged not to bring personal electronic devices to school and will not have access to devices during school hours.
The PED policy is available on the NLSchool's website here.
Please see the memo sent home from the school containing your child's number with directions on how to set up Rycor. The attached document provides guidance regarding Rycor Account Setup and Parent Login.
You will find three parent forms currently posted online to family Rycor accounts---Student Media Consent Forms, Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement and Core Digital Tools. Please submit the forms through this system. We encourage all families to sign up as soon as possible as upcoming permission forms as well as funds collected for field trips, school events, will go through our Rycor system. Thank you for your support.
Please note the Department will no longer accept the AMEX card.
Busing Information
Please check out the parent/guardian bus portal for all the information on times and stops.
For any student transportation related inquiries, requests, concerns or incidents, please complete the following form
Lunch Information
Please check out the School Lunch Association website for ordering.
School Lunch Ordering opens on September 9th and closes on September 17th. School Lunch starts on Wednesday, September 25th.
A friendly reminder that SGE is an allergy aware school. We have allergies at school for “peanut/nut/pistachios/cashews, eggs, fish including shellfish, legumes, lentils and scent-aware” school.
Please be mindful of the food you are bringing into the building and what it contains.
St. George’s Elementary is a scent-free learning and teaching space. We would like to remind everyone that we have staff and students at St. George's Elementary who have very severe allergies to scented products, which could be fatal to these individuals should they be exposed to scented products. We are asking everyone to please ensure that your children are not wearing scented products when they come to school, nor are they bringing scented products with them. We ask the same of any visitors to our building. These could prove to be very serious or even fatal for these individuals. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
School Parking Lot and Grounds
Please take extra caution when driving on and around our school grounds. If you are dropping off or picking up your child at anytime, we do ask that you park in the DESIGNATED PARKING SPOTS ONLY. We are asking that you NOT park on crosswalks or in the traffic lanes. We do appreciate your cooperation in keeping all of our students safe.
Safety on the Bus
Reminder of bus expectations. See image below.
Safety is always our number one priority.
2024-2025 School Year
September 2 Labor Day
September 3 Administration Day
September 4 School Reopens (for students)
September 9 SLA ordering opens
September 12 Family Curriculum Night
September 17 SLA ordering closes
September 25 School Lunch Association start up date
September 27 Pink Shirt Day/ Annual Terry Fox Walk
September 30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (School Holiday)
October 1 Wear Orange for National Truth and Reconciliation Day
October 4 Lifetouch Pictures
October 14 Thanksgiving Day (School Holiday)
November 1 School PL day (No School for Students)
November 11 Remembrance Day (School Holiday)
November 14 World Diabetic Day (wear blue)
November 15 Picture Retake Day
November 18th to 25th Scholastic Book Fair
November 21 School Recycling Drop Off Day
November 22 PL Day (No School for Students)
November 28 Pink Shirt day
November 29 PL Day (No School for Students)
December 1 Term One Ends
December 3 Term One Report Cards Released
December 5 Family Teacher Conferences (Student Dismissal at Noon)
December 20 Last Day - Christmas/ Winter break (Student Dismissal at 1 pm)
January 6 School Reopens (Day 7)
February 17 LFI (Grade 6) Registration Opens
February 21 & 24 Mid Winter Break
February 25 ICF (Grade 5) Registration Opens
February 26 Pink Shirt Day
March 7 Teacher PL Day (No School for Students)
March 16 Term Two Ends
March 17 St. Patrick's Day School Holiday
March 18 Term 2 Report Cards Released
March 20 Family Teacher Conferences (Student Dismissal at Noon)
March 28 Teacher PL Day (No School for Students)
April 4 Kinderstart/ School Development Survey's Deadline
April 17 Last day before Easter break
April 28 - School Reopens (Day 1)
May 19 - Victoria Day
June 26 Last Day - Summer Student Dismissal @1:10 pm
June 27 Administration Day